Twin Souls Connection Characteristics You Should Know

Please can you tell me about twin soul relationships? From what I know this is a different kind of soul relationship. I believe that I have met my twin soul. Although the feelings are similar, there are distinct differences.

There is a difference between soul mates and twin flames / twin souls. A twin soul is a type of soulmate, but there are characteristics of twin souls that are much deeper and more intense than a typical soulmate relationship.

Soul mates are part of your soul group or your soul family, and there can be many of them incarnate on Earth at the same time. Just as in a typical family, some members of your soul group are closer and more familiar to you than other members. You may have chosen to incarnate many times with certain members of your soul group, therefore it is easier to recognize these soulmates from past lives, and you will be naturally drawn to them.

Within the phenomenon of soul mates exist those known as twin flame soulmates, or twin souls. When you emerged from Source to individuate yourself, you were still whole. Each soul consisted of a male and female counterpart that formed a perfect union of light, hence the term “twin flame”. When souls sought to experience separation from Source in order to consciously know themselves as individuals, many souls also chose to split so they could have exponentially vaster and more challenging experiences. The other half of your soul is your twin flame or twin soul, and there is only one in the entire Universe, which may or may not choose to incarnate on Earth at the same time as you. You each left a little piece of yourself within the other, like the Yin/Yang symbol, and this is how you find each other.

Once your soul individuated, it sought to have a variety of experiences in different forms and dimensions, and your twin soul also had individual choice as to whether to share these experiences or not. Along the sacred journey of soul mates, you have chosen to have incarnational experiences with many other souls, some of whom have been part of your soul group, or family of soul mates. Throughout eternity, you have sought to join together with your twin soul in order to be whole once again, but these reunions have ebbed and flowed through time and space.

When your soul mate arrives, the physical feeling of twin souls is that of being magnetically drawn to one another. There is a sense of being intertwined, and of not wanting to be apart from each other. There is a sense that time together is precious and perhaps fleeting, so there is a desire to spend as much time as possible in each other’s presence. There is often a feeling of peace and joy accompanied by a deep sorrow and longing to make up for separation in times past and times to come. In essence, there is a desire to drink each other in, and to bask in each other’s energy.

Spiritual twin flame souls have a natural spark of attraction for each other, but it may or may not be physically passionate. Twin souls desire to connect with each other physically in order to merge energy, so they desire to be physically close to one another. They long to hold and touch each other, and do not necessarily need more than that. Once they find each other, they desire to walk through a lifetime together hand-in-hand for as long as possible.

When it comes to soul mate compatibility, there can be some challenges with twin flame soulmates. This is because they are so much alike that they can either get along perfectly and telepathically, or they can get on each other’s nerves. They know each other intimately because they are indeed one, so if they get mad at each other, they know exactly how to hurt each other profoundly and with precision. Not only can this damage the relationship and the level of trust and intimacy between them, but twins often feel each other’s pain, so to hurt the other is to hurt oneself. Therefore it is even more important to approach any disagreements with patience and with love and compassion. (In all our relationships, we must remember that separation is simply an illusion that is designed to develop awareness and consciousness that transcends the concept of “otherness” in order to experience true oneness with oneself and with All That Is.)

The greatest challenge with a twin soul or twin flame is finding them, which is like looking for needle in a haystack. You can call forth your twin soul/twin flame by envisioning your light shining brightly into the cosmos. Affirm that you choose to be whole, complete and intact, and that you call forth all parts, aspects and fragments of yourself that exist throughout all dimensions in the Universe to be drawn to you in the here and now. Imagine a light like yours being irresistibly drawn to become one with you.

Keep in mind that there can be certain characteristics of twin souls that may be somewhat problematic when it comes to intimate relationships. First, you must remember that your twin soul has chosen to experience individual incarnations that have their own purpose. Therefore, your twin soul may have a mission and agenda that does not coincide with yours, and may not be on the same plane or dimension of time or space. Even if you do incarnate on Earth at the same time, you may not be compatible soul mates for reasons of gender, race, age, religion, location, etc. Your twin soul could incarnate as your child, your sister, your father, etc.; or there could be interfering or impossible circumstances where you are like Romeo and Juliet.

Being able to have an intimate relationship in this lifetime with your twin soul involves hitting the center of the bullseye of incarnational target practice. Members of your soul group form the outer rings of the target surrounding the bullseye, with each ring representing a different level of soul mate compatibility and familiarity from past life soul mate connections. Encountering karmic soulmates is much easier, because there are many more of them. Seeking your twin flame involves looking for characteristics of twin souls that mirror and reflect your own, for you are one and the same.

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